Thursday, August 25, 2011


Winner of the May 2010 Photo Challenge -  Popular Photography magazine.

August of 2010 I had my first photo published.  I still remember making the image. 

This dandelion picture was taken during my morning walk on a trail alongside Beaver Pond, Kanata, Ontario, in May 2010. I wanted to shoot it very close up while keeping the subject in sharp focus. The natural light was not enough to shoot hand-held so I used my Phoenix SmartFlash. I placed a piece of black paper behind it, spot metered and set ISO to 320 for the required 1/200-sec flash sync speed and to control motion blur. Later I converted the image to black and white in Photoshop. It was featured in the August issue of the Popular Photography magazine.

Camera specs: Canon 5D Mark II fitted with EF100mm f/2.8 IS lens,  f/32 @ 1/200 second, ISO 320.

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