Saturday, August 27, 2011


Silver Award in the category of Creative Flair in the Photograph of the Year 2011 competition, Better Photography Magazine.

In the early afternoon of July 19th, 2011, I went to the Prince of Wales Bridge from the south approach. While I was walking around on the bridge, some amazing color patterns on the posts and struts grabbed my attention. I spent about 30 minutes there and this is one of my favorite images. 

Camera specs: Canon 5D Mark II fitted with EF50mm f/1.2 L USM lens,  f/8 @ 1/400 second, ISO 640.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Winner of the May 2010 Photo Challenge -  Popular Photography magazine.

August of 2010 I had my first photo published.  I still remember making the image. 

This dandelion picture was taken during my morning walk on a trail alongside Beaver Pond, Kanata, Ontario, in May 2010. I wanted to shoot it very close up while keeping the subject in sharp focus. The natural light was not enough to shoot hand-held so I used my Phoenix SmartFlash. I placed a piece of black paper behind it, spot metered and set ISO to 320 for the required 1/200-sec flash sync speed and to control motion blur. Later I converted the image to black and white in Photoshop. It was featured in the August issue of the Popular Photography magazine.

Camera specs: Canon 5D Mark II fitted with EF100mm f/2.8 IS lens,  f/32 @ 1/200 second, ISO 320.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Shirley's Bay

Grand prize winner of the 2011 Online Spring Photo Contest - Outdoor Photography Canada, will be published in the 2011 Fall issue of Outdoor Photography Canada Magazine.

I took this image at the Shirley's Bay, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada on June 25, 2010. It was a very windy morning with dramatic dark clouds in the sky. I happened to have my camera and tripod with me and created this image while stopping by the Shirley's Bay. A screw in B+W ND110 (10 stop) was used to capture smooth moving clouds and very calm water.
Camera specs: Canon 5D Mark II fitted with EF17-40mm f/4 L USM lens, f/16 @ 25 seconds, ISO 100.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Sunset at the Remic Rapids


This image was captured at the Remic Rapids on the Ottawa River, Ontario, Canada, several minutes after the sun had gone down below the horizon on August 3, 2011. A 3-stop Singh Ray reverse GND filter was used to hold back the bright sky.

Camera specs: Canon 5D Mark II fitted with EF17-40mm f/4 L USM lens, f/16 @ 15 seconds, ISO 50.