Sunday, December 4, 2011


Winner of "By Popular Vote!" Monthly Photo Contest - September 2011, Canadian Wildlife Federation.  

I took this picture on a late afternoon of Oct. 29, 2010 when lots of geese were flying away from a corn field in Kanata, Ontario, Canada. The low sun helped light up the geese wings.

Camera specs: Canon 5D Mark II fitted with EF35mm f/1.4L lens,  f/8 @ 1/500 second, ISO 800.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Goose in Motion

This image was captured in the morning of November 13, 2011, using slow shutter speed and panning while the goose was taking off from the Beaver Pond, Kanata, Ontario, Canada.

Camera specs: Canon 7D fitted with EF70-200mm f/2.8 L IS USM lens, f/10 @ 1/100 second, ISO 800.